作者:周亚建,潘安伟,李继国 单位:中国通信学会 出版:《中国通信》2010年第04期 页数:11页  (PDF与DOC格式可能不同) PDF编号:PDFZGTO2010040050 DOC编号:DOCZGTO2010040059 下载格式:PDF + Word/doc 文字可复制、可编辑
  • Secure sensor networks has received much attention in the last few years.A sensor network always works unattended possibly in a hostile environment such as a battlefield.In such environments,sensor networks are subject to node capture.Constrained energy,memory,and computational capabilities of sensor nodes mandate a clever design of security solutions to minimize overhead while maintaining secure communication over the lifespan of the network.In this paper,an authenticated dynamic.....。
