作者:孙亮,杨冬,秦雅娟,张宏科 单位:中国通信学会 出版:《中国通信》2011年第08期 页数:9页  (PDF与DOC格式可能不同) PDF编号:PDFZGTO2011080040 DOC编号:DOCZGTO2011080049 下载格式:PDF + Word/doc 文字可复制、可编辑
  • This paper presents a novel energy-aware algorithm for service composition based on sharing routes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The method integrates the resource of the overlapping WSNs to a virtual resource pool in the execution cycles of the workflow. This approach chooses the suitable service instances according to the current execution environment and user requirements with minimum energy consumption. Finally, the performance of sharing routes service composition selec.....。
