作者:YuYouhuaLinQian(作者) 出版:"China Digital Culture Group Co., Ltd. (2008年10月1日)" 服务:人工校对0错代录+录完后精校排版 此为收费服务:会收取文档代录之人工费 预估录入后页数:76(带目录书签跳转) 请支持正版图书,莫将本服务所得用于非法目的 ✅文档录入及格式制作人工服务,非骗流量 ❤️ 录入后格式:PDF、Word、PPT、ePub、TXT

Health and Longevity in Traditional Chinese Medicine (English Edition)(ePub+AZW3+PDF+高清)电子书下载 YuYouhuaLinQian(作者)

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) holds that health and longevity are governed by the transformative action of the life force. TCM utilizes methods based on this natural principle to preserve health, prevent disease, and prolong life. This program will introduce the principles, theories, techniques, and applications of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as practical methods for promoting health and longevity.